Farnam Street的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列懶人包和總整理

Farnam Street的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦ShaneParrish寫的 思考的框架:席捲華爾街的思維鍛鍊,減少盲點與認知偏誤,把經驗提煉成智慧 和Nir Eyal的 Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站How Shane Parrish grew Farnam Street to 100k+ readers ...也說明:How Shane Parrish grew Farnam Street to 100k+ readers. Season 2 Episode 10. By Billy Murphy | Follow him on Twitter. How helping readers understand problems ...

這兩本書分別來自天下雜誌 和所出版 。

最後網站推荐一个网站Farnam Street - 简书則補充:推荐一个网站Farnam Street. 如题,最近还是在整理认知模型,在搜集资料的过程中找到的。 这个社区专门讨论认知模型,上面有很多不错的文章。


除了Farnam Street,大家也想知道這些:


為了解決Farnam Street的問題,作者ShaneParrish 這樣論述:

《華爾街日報》、亞馬遜暢銷書 金融圈、新創界頂尖人士每日必備的思考練習 第一本完整集結最實用思維模型的專書     每天都有新的問題冒出來,陷入被時間追趕的惡性循環?   明明處理過類似問題,卻重複一樣的錯誤,為什麼就是看不見自己的盲點?   面對沒有標準答案、專業知識也派不上用場的情境,如何做出最佳決策?     思考的廣度與深度,與是不是天才無關,每個人都可以透過鍛鍊不斷升級。   關鍵就在掌握各領域中「不會輕易改變、不會過時淘汰」的基本模型!   學會活用思維模型拆解問題,把問題放進框架中思考,   我們就能有效率地做出最佳選擇、有系統地累積成功經驗,不用每次碰到新問題都要從頭開始。

    作者夏恩‧派瑞許(Shane Parrish)創辦了全球成長最快學習型部落格之一Farnam Street,他曾是頂尖情報機構的資安專家,必須在高度不確定、賭注很高的情況下做決策,而學校所學並不足以應付現實中的複雜問題,為了提升決策品質,他開始廣泛涉獵跨領域知識,並將學習記錄在Farnam Street部落格,短時間內就聚集眾多粉絲,更驚人的是,訂閱者有八成都來自華爾街。不只風靡投資圈,Farnam Street提供的學習工具也在矽谷新創界與職業運動員社群掀起熱烈討論,其中最受歡迎的就是思維模型。     本書以淺顯的文字搭配實際案例,介紹九種最實用的思維模型。這些思維模型就像看世界

的濾鏡,讓我們避開盲點誤區,看清事物表層底下的脈絡與連結,提升對問題的解讀力與決策成功率。書中的思維模型包含來自經濟學、心理學、哲學、物理學、生物學等各領域的重要核心概念,幫助我們釐清問題、看見不同面向的觀點、找到新的突破口、以創新方式解決問題。     在腦中建立一支思維模型的全明星隊,面對各種類型的難題,都找得到最適合的解法:     ►「地圖不等於疆界」:沒有依據現實情況更新自己的認知,我們就容易掉入認知陷阱,或淪為紙上談兵。「腳踏實地」、與現實保持連結,才能做出最符合當下情況的正確判斷。     ►「能力圈」:在自己的能力圈內,我們都是解決問題高手。但所有人都會碰到超出能力圈的問題,學

習維持與拓展能力圈、在能力圈之外運作,才能大幅提高成功率。     ►「第一原理思考」:不會拆解問題,我們就只能重複「別人怎麼說」的成規慣例,缺乏應變與創新的能力。找到最基本的第一原理,就能掌握問題核心,推翻錯誤假設、開創新路徑。     ►「奧坎剃刀」:面對麻煩,還沒開始思考就先被焦慮壓垮?我們都傾向把問題複雜化,但最簡單的解釋往往是對的,可以幫我們減輕不必要的壓力與節省許多時間。     ►「反演法」:有些問題無法從正面突破,學會以終為始的思考,與其想如何賺大錢,不如思考如何把損失降到最低,逆向工程可以幫助我們做到比預期更佳的結果。   讀者熱烈迴響     「我到處向人推薦這本書。」──

WordPress共同創辦人穆倫維格(Matt Mullenweg)   「給愛思考的人的經典佳作。」   「這本書對決策者很有用,特別是要在『沒有標準答案』的情境下做出困難決定。」   「不用再從頭開始畫輪子,這本書清楚呈現前人的智慧,馬上就能實踐,幫助你成功。」   「我從來不知道思維模型可以這麼有趣,完全不是無聊的心理學術語,非常好讀、好懂。」   「如果你喜歡《窮查理的普通常識》,也會愛這本書。學習各領域的知識精華,幫助你翻新視角,以有趣的方式解決問題。」   「應該納入高中與大學生指定讀物。如果你喜歡學習,想學得更快、而且不會邊學邊忘,就讀這本書。」   「我開始練習以模型來思考,幫

助很大。」   「提升學習效率與決策力的聖經。」   「以優美、易吸收的方式呈現了跨領域的重要基本知識。」   「我會送給平時沒在讀這類思考書的親朋好友,相信他們會跟我一樣,一開始看就停不下來。」

Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life

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為了解決Farnam Street的問題,作者Nir Eyal 這樣論述:

下定決心我今天一定要完成這些工作、一定要改變習慣… 對自己承諾的各種「一定會」,最終卻都沒能真的實現? 問題,往往出在「分心」! 學習如何控制你的注意力,你,就擁有無限可能!   任教於史丹佛大學商學院、人類心理與行為學專家尼爾.艾歐Nir Eyal,以《鉤癮效應Hooked》一書,活用心理學領域對慣性的研究發現,提出企業如何創造出好產品的關鍵:讓使用者建立習慣,對你的產品與服務「上癮」。成為業界的權威經典。   五年之後,結合教學經驗、各方專家的回饋與長達十年的研究成果,尼爾.艾歐帶來讓人們期待的最新作品──為我們拆解現在充斥在我們生活的現象:「分心」!它令我們從眼前的理想目標分神

、在人際相處中無法全心地面對對方,日復一日,分心拖慢了我們實現計畫的速度,更糟糕的是可能因此磨滅了曾經懷抱的目標。   而想要降低分心,關鍵不是要不要加入科技產品戒斷的行列,或採取任何神效的習慣建立計畫。一反我們的常識,尼爾.艾歐告訴我們:分心原來不是因為外界的事物,而源自我們內在!相同地,改變的力量也早已內建在我們身上!將我們內心的心理運作邏輯,解構為四個關鍵部分,並且凝鍊為可以運用在實務與日常生活的參考。想想如果你總是可以對自己信守承諾,完成那些暗暗下定決心一定要做到的事情,你將會蛻變成一個什麼樣的自己?跟隨本書學習如何「不分心」,你就如同擁有超能力!(文/博客來編譯) 下定決心我

今天一定要完成這些工作、一定要改變習慣… 對自己承諾的各種「一定會」,最終卻都沒能真的實現? 問題,往往出在「分心」! 學習如何控制你的注意力,你,就擁有無限可能!   任教於史丹佛大學商學院、人類心理與行為學專家尼爾.艾歐Nir Eyal,以《鉤癮效應Hooked》一書,活用心理學領域對慣性的研究發現,提出企業如何創造出好產品的關鍵:讓使用者建立習慣,對你的產品與服務「上癮」。成為業界的權威經典。   五年之後,結合教學經驗、各方專家的回饋與長達十年的研究成果,尼爾.艾歐帶來讓人們期待的最新作品──為我們拆解現在充斥在我們生活的現象:「分心」!它令我們從眼前的理想目標分神、在人際相

處中無法全心地面對對方,日復一日,分心拖慢了我們實現計畫的速度,更糟糕的是可能因此磨滅了曾經懷抱的目標。   而想要降低分心,關鍵不是要不要加入科技產品戒斷的行列,或採取任何神效的習慣建立計畫。一反我們的常識,尼爾.艾歐告訴我們:分心原來不是因為外界的事物,而源自我們內在!相同地,改變的力量也早已內建在我們身上!將我們內心的心理運作邏輯,解構為四個關鍵部分,並且凝鍊為可以運用在實務與日常生活的參考。想想如果你總是可以對自己信守承諾,完成那些暗暗下定決心一定要做到的事情,你將會蛻變成一個什麼樣的自己?跟隨本書學習如何「不分心」,你就如同擁有超能力!(文/博客來編譯)   You sit do

wn at your desk to work on an important project, but a notification on your phone interrupts your morning. Later, as you’re about to get back to work, a colleague taps you on the shoulder to chat. At home, screens get in the way of quality time with your family. Another day goes by, and once again,

your most important personal and professional goals are put on hold.   What would be possible if you followed through on your best intentions? What could you accomplish if you could stay focused? What if you had the power to become “indistractable?”   International bestselling author, former Stanf

ord lecturer, and behavioral design expert, Nir Eyal, wrote Silicon Valley’s handbook for making technology habit-forming. Five years after publishing Hooked, Eyal reveals distraction’s Achilles’ heel in his groundbreaking new book.   In Indistractable, Eyal reveals the hidden psychology driving us

to distraction. He describes why solving the problem is not as simple as swearing off our devices: Abstinence is impractical and often makes us want more.   Eyal lays bare the secret of finally doing what you say you will do with a four-step, research-backed model. Indistractable reveals the key t

o getting the best out of technology, without letting it get the best of us.   Inside, Eyal overturns conventional wisdom and reveals:   Why distraction at work is a symptom of a dysfunctional company culture—and how to fix it   What really drives human behavior and why “time management is pain ma

nagement”   Why your relationships (and your sex life) depend on you becoming indistractable   How to raise indistractable children in an increasingly distracting world   Empowering and optimistic, Indistractable provides practical, novel techniques to control your time and attention—helping you liv

e the life you really want.   Review   “If you value your time, your focus, or your relationships, this book is essential reading. I’m putting these ideas into practice.”—Jonathan Haidt, author of The Righteous Mind   “Indistractable is the most practical and realistic approach to balancing techn

ology with well-being. A must-read for anyone with a smartphone.”—Mark Manson, author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck   “This book is full of insights, stories, cutting-edge research and—most helpful—concrete, manageable strategies for becoming indistractable.”—Gretchen Rubin, author of The

Happiness Project   “In a world filled with noise, Indistractable provides a framework that will deliver the focus you need to get results.”—James Clear, author of Atomic Habits   “Success and happiness belong to people who can control their attention. Nir Eyal is on a mission to protect you from

distraction—and his lively book is full of actionable ideas”—Adam Grant, author of Give and Take and Originals   “In the future, there will be two kinds of people in the world: those who read and apply the principles in Indistractable and those who wish they had read it sooner.”—Kintan Brahmbhatt,

global head of product at Amazon Music   “Being indistractable is the essential skill for our time. Skip this book at your peril! My advice is this: Read it. Live it. Repeat.”—Greg McKeown, author of Essentialism   “This is such an important book. Indistractable is the best guide I've read for rec

laiming our attention, our focus, and our lives.”—Arianna Huffington, founder and CEO of Thrive, Global and founder of The Huffington Post   “I can think of no more important skill than focus and no better teacher than Nir Eyal. Being indistractable is the skill of the century.”—Shane Parrish, foun

der of Farnam Street   “As a lifelong procrastinator, I'm painfully aware of how much productivity-related advice there is out there and how little of it is actually helpful. Indistractable is an exception.”—Tim Urban, author of WaitButWhy.com   “This book has done more to change the way I see the

world than anything I've read in the past several years. The actionable insights from Indistractable have helped me reduce my daily time spent on email by 90%.”—Shane Snow, author of Smartcuts   “Indistractable puts humans back where we belong when it comes to distraction: in the cockpit of our ow

n lives.”—Anya Kamenetz, author of The Art of Screen Time   “Indistractable will help you make the most of your time and find peace and productivity in an increasingly distracting world.”—Charlotte Blank, chief behavioral officer at Maritz   “Dive headfirst into this book. Indistractable is a fasc

inating, visual, and profoundly helpful guide to overcoming distraction. The deeper you dig into this book, the more productive you’ll become.”—Chris Bailey, author of Hyperfocus   “Indistractable is filled with both wisdom and humor. This is a valuable read for anyone navigating our modern world.”

—Richard M. Ryan, cofounder of self-determination theory   “Nir Eyal understands the modern technologies of attention from the inside, and in this practical and timely book, he shares the secrets to regaining and sustaining the capacity to focus on what matters. Your brain (not to mention your spou

se, your kids, and your friends) will thank you for reading it."—Oliver Burkeman, columnist for The Guardian   “An essential book for anyone trying to think, work, or live better.”—Ryan Holiday, author of The Obstacle Is the Way and Ego Is the Enemy   “Indistractable is priceless. You can’t afford

to ignore this book.”—Eric Barker, author of Barking Up The Wrong Tree   “By following Eyal’s four-step, research-backed model, you’ll be able to gain control of your attention and leverage the incredible benefits of modern technology without feeling scattered and drained. Indistractable is an ess

ential book for people looking to make big things happen in the digital age.”—Taylor Pearson, author of The End of Jobs   “Indistractable helped me realize technology was not the real reason I got distracted and struggled to get things done. It changed how I manage every part of my day, and I canno

t recommend it highly enough. Everybody should read this book!”—Steve Kamb, founder of Nerd Fitness and author of Level Up Your Life   “Indistractable is a masterclass in understanding the root cause of distraction. Recommended for anyone looking to do more deep work.”—Cal Newport, author of Deep W

ork   “Indistractable was an ‘ah-ha moment’ for me. Eyal distills academic research without ignoring the nuances and he values the readers’ time with a Goldilocks amount of detail, relevant examples, and practical strategies.”—Jocelyn Brewer, founder of Digital Nutrition   “Indistractable is the m

ost complete guide I’ve ever read on being focused. This book is a gift for anyone looking to free up time so that they can live a better, more fulfilling, and less hectic life.”—Dan Schawbel, author of Back to Human 作者簡介     Nir Eyal lectured at Stanford's Graduate School of Business and Institu

te of Design. His first book, Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, is an international bestseller and taught Silicon Valley how to design user behavior.   His second book, Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life, reveals the Achilles' heel of distraction and provi

des a guidebook for getting the best of technology without letting it get the best of us.   Nir writes, consults, and teaches about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business at NirAndFar.com and his writing has been featured in Harvard Business Review, TechCrunch, Time, The Week, Inc

.,and Psychology Today.